Proof of Insurance/Certificates of Insurance
Program Description:
Memorandum of Insurance
The University does not issue Certificates of Insurance. Instead, we utilize an online Memorandum of Insurance, hosted by our insurance broker Marsh, USA. Vendors and other certificate requesters are able to obtain insurance information online, and view and print copies of the Memorandum of Insurance (MOI) at any time. This not only provides accurate and timely information, it also helps to streamline the process and lessen the amount of time and resources involved for all parties.
Access the University’s Memorandum of Insurance
Please note the MOI does not cover the following insurance areas:
- YSM, YSN, SPH and Yale Health
- Registered Student Organizations
- Official Alumni Clubs, Classes and Shared Interest Groups
The MOI shows Yale’s current insurance program, including insurance companies, policy numbers, limits and effective and expiration dates. Information on additional insured or loss payee status can be found in the additional information section of the MOI.
Additional Insured Status
From time to time we receive a request from an outside party, such as the owner of an external premises where we will be holding a meeting or an event or for whom we will be performing services, indicating that they need to be added to our insurance policy as an additional insured. Our MOI includes blanket wording from our insurance policy that automatically provides such status to them, as long as it is required per our contract or agreement with them. There is no need for a specific endorsement or change to our insurance in order for this status to be provided.
A list of resources is available in the menu to the right.