General Liability
Program Description:
Our general liability insurance covers accidental injuries to visitors on campus, as well as damage to property owned by visitors or other parties. It also covers the University from any allegations of personal injury, such as libel and slander. Exclusions and coverage limitations do apply.
Except as noted below, claims are administered by Sedgwick CMS, the University’s third party claims administration company, with oversight provided by the Office of Enterprise Risk Management.
For further information on the University’s general liability insurance, please contact Marje Lemmon at 203-432-0140 or
A list of resources is available in the menu to the right.
General liability insurance for operations of the Yale School of Medicine, School of Nursing, School of Public Health and Yale Health is placed in conjunction with the insurance carried by Yale New Haven Hospital. Claims are administered by the Office of Legal and Risk Affairs at YNHH, 203-688-2291.
Departments are not currently charged a deductible for general liability claims.