
Insurance Requirements

The University requires outside parties to provide insurance when performing work for or providing services to Yale, or when using Yale facilities. The standard requirements for insurance for vendors are provided in the menu on the right. Please contact Marjorie Lemmon at 203-432-0140, or at if you have questions about these requirements.

A list of resources is available in the menu to the right.

Waiver Process

Occasionally vendors or contractors may not carry insurance that meets the standard requirements of the University. If that is the case, a waiver may be possible. Waivers are only granted in situations where the risk from the work being done or the goods being provided by the outside party is minimal. The department must tell the outside party that, although we are waiving the insurance requirement, the outside party will still be responsible for his/her acts and omissions and will still be expected to indemnify the University.

Before requesting a waiver, departments MUST check with the outside party and confirm that they do not carry insurance.  If the outside party has insurance, the waiver should not be requested, and the department should request a certificate of insurance. If they do not carry the required insurance, the department (not the outside party) should request a waiver.

Corporations are generally not eligible for a waiver since, as a prudent business practice, they should be carrying insurance. Outside parties who employ individuals, or who use vehicles in the course of doing their business will not be eligible for a waiver of the workers’ compensation or automobile insurance, as coverage is required by law.

It is possible to apply for a partial waiver. For example, if an outside party carries general liability insurance, but has no employees and thus does not carry workers’ compensation insurance, they should provide a certificate of insurance showing the general liability insurance, and the department should request a waiver for the workers’ compensation insurance. 

Download the form in the menu on the right to apply for a waiver of insurance.  Please forward the completed form to