External Users of Yale Facilities
Insurance Requirements
The University requires outside parties to provide insurance when performing work for or providing services to Yale, or when using Yale facilities. The standard requirements for insurance for special events facility users are provided in the menu on the right. Please contact Marjorie Lemmon at 203-432-0140, or at marjorie.lemmon@yale.edu if you have questions about these requirements.
A list of resources is available in the menu to the right.
Tenant User Liability Insurance Program
Users of a Yale facility for a non–Yale sponsored event must be insured for liability, and must give evidence of such coverage (an insurance certificate) to the event location office and to the Office of Enterprise Risk Management. Users not having their own insurance are welcome to use the TULIP program as an option for purchasing the general liability insurance that Yale requires.
Please note that this is an on–line program and coverage may not be available for all event types. Use of this program is not a guarantee of insurance. Premiums are based on the type of event, the length of the event, and anticipated number of participants.
This coverage is provided by an outside vendor. Access more information or apply for TULIP coverage.
Once you access the URMIA TULIP website, please follow the instructions for obtaining a quote for the event. The University venues most often used are built into the program, so please select the specific venue. Please select the master Yale University code 4164 only if the venue you wish to use is not shown
You will receive an e:mail confirmation after you have applied and been accepted for coverage. Confirmation e:mails will automatically be sent to the event venue office and to the Yale University Office of Enterprise Risk Management.
For further information on this program, contact the Office of Enterprise Risk Management.
If you are not using this program and wish to provide your own liability insurance instead, please consult the standard insurance requirements provided in the menu on the right.