All Undergraduate students are required to take and pass the Driver Safety Awareness Training if they will be driving for University or Registered Student Organization purposes. Complete information on driver requirements and other information pertaining to vehicle use, can be found in the Fleet Policy. Graduate students generally are not required to take the Driver Safety Awareness Training, but should consult the Fleet Policy for more information.
Yale Travel Services has arranged for preferred vehicle rental agencies who will include insurance in the rental fee. Use of these vendors is strongly encouraged.
Use of personal vehicles for Yale sponsored activities is strongly discouraged. When using a personal vehicle, the personal vehicle auto insurance is primary and Yale’s insurance is secondary. The driver must have a clean motor vehicle record, the vehicle must be adequately insured and maintained, and if the driver is not the owner, the owner must give permission for its use.
A $500 deductible will apply for property damage incurred to any Yale owned or rental vehicle.